As the meat cooks, it releases juices containing sugars, proteins, and fat, which burn on the hot charcoal, releasing smoke that mingles with the flavors and giving the meat its delicious flavor. Although grilling produces standardized, smokeless cooking, it is precisely because of this that food grilled in an oven is not half as tasty as food grilled over smoking hot charcoals.
Is there a chance of fire while grilling on a patio or wooden deck over a live flame? Not if you take the necessary precautions.
Mat for grilling
It's important to take the proper precautions when cooking on a wooden patio. Using a grill pad is the easiest way to do so. Non-stick grill mats are available to make the cleanup process much simpler after grilling. Grill mats prevent small pieces of meat, fish, and vegetables from falling through the racks and cooking unevenly. The grease stains are also simple to scrub. A grill mat is essentially a non-stick, dishwasher-safe hot plate made of fibreglass cloth and Teflon-like Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) material. They should be about seven inches away from the source of heat. When shopping, look for one that is FDA certified, heavy enough to not blow around your grill, and has a wide base. Most significantly, it must be fire-resistant.
Free of Grease
It's important to keep the grill clean and clear of grease and gasoline. Never put it too close to your home or within a three-foot radius of combustible items, and never leave it unattended while cooking or after it has finished cooking. Keep an eye on the smoldering charcoal until it is fully extinguished. Once or twice a year, thoroughly clean the drip pans under the grill.
If there is a burn, have a fire extinguisher and baking powder on hand to put it out. Never try to extinguish a fire with water. After use, stop throwing the hot ash into a plastic bin or garbage bag. On garbage collection day, wait about 24 hours and put the bag at the far end of the curb, away from your building.