Building Deck & DIY Platform for a Grill
BBQ Basics: Techniques You Need to Know

Grilling Tips

Weber charcoal grills and gas barbecues give you great grilled results every time because they are designed to give you ultimate control of your grilling temperature and cooking method. Here we explain the secret to great grilling.

Grilling Tips
Direct Method

The Direct Method is similar to broiling. Food is cooked directly over the heat source. For even cooking, food should be turned once halfway through the grilling time. Use the Direct method for foods that take less than 25 minutes to cook: like steaks, chops, kabobs, sausages and vegetables. Direct cooking is also necessary to sear meats. Searing creates that wonderful crisp, caramelized texture where the food hits the grate. It also adds nice grill marks and flavour to the entire food surface. Steaks, chops, chicken pieces, and larger cuts of meat all benefit from searing.

Grilling Tips
Indirect Method

The Indirect Method is similar to roasting, but with the added benefits of that grilled texture, flavour, and appearance you can't get from an oven. Heat rises, reflects off the lid and inside surfaces of the grill, and slowly cooks the food evenly on all sides. The circulating heat works much like a convection oven, so there's no need to turn the food. Use the Indirect Method for foods that require 25 minutes or more of grilling time or for foods that are so delicate that direct exposure to the heat source would dry them out or scorch them.

Grilling safety requires placing your grill on a flat, level surface that remains free of combustible materials that could catch fire should you experience grill flare-ups or your fire produces sparks.
Building a simple deck for your grill can provide a safe location to cook outdoors without worry. Choose from several different decking materials to build a deck that fits your style and level of building experience.
Regardless of which simple deck style you choose to use for your grill, you must prepare the ground beneath the area. You may need to level the surface if you intend to install the deck on the ground rather than install a raised deck.
You can find a variety of snap together decking tiles to use when building a simple grilling deck. These tiles are made from different hardwood and composite materials, such as teak, eucalyptus, recycled woods and recycled plastics.
Patios, on the other hand, are paved areas on the ground level that can be designed and constructed in a variety of ways. They can be attached to a house or freestanding, made of anything from concrete to gravel, and can even work for sloped yards with a little landscaping. They can last far longer than decks and are frequently less expensive to construct due to their materials.
Decks are built of wood, which must be sealed or pressure-treated to prevent the wood from deteriorating over time due to exposure to the elements. Decks are frequently tied to a house, require guardrails when built above ground, and are ideal for sloped or uneven terrain. Wood dries rapidly, making it ideal for hot tubs. A deck can be as high as a balcony or as low as the ground, almost like a patio. Here are some tips according to real estate broker in Solon, OH.
When choosing between a deck and a patio, you should think about how much maintenance each will demand.
Decks should be cleaned properly twice a year. Late fall, after all the trees have shed their leaves, and late spring, after pollen season, are good times to accomplish this. Never use a power washer to clean decks constructed of plastic (composite or PVC). You should inspect your deck once a year for any deterioration, such as rot, splintered wood, loose nails, and cracked paint. Decks that have been painted should be repainted at least once a year. To preserve the life of a hardwood deck, it should be resealed every few years.
Before you build
A permit is required to construct a deck and, in some cases, a patio for your property. You could get in problems with your city if you don't get one: at most, you'll have to pay a fine, and at worst, you'll have to tear down your new deck on top of the fine. Varying cities will have different restrictions on the size of your deck, the materials you can use, and other factors. Hiring a specialist to design and build your deck might expedite the process. They can assist you with drawing up plans, obtaining permits, and ensuring that everything is up to code, as well as providing solid experience and advise.
Design and planning options
When designing a new deck or patio, keep the following in mind:
Make sure your deck or patio is big enough for what you're going to do with it. If you want to eat there, make sure there's enough room for the table you want, as well as an extra 4 feet surrounding it for people to stroll behind those who are sitting. Mark out the space with stakes and twine to determine the potential size of a deck or patio. You can also purchase your outdoor furniture first and arrange it to check whether it will fit in your location.
Features: A deck or patio can be used for a variety of purposes, from relaxing while taking in the view to entertaining and hosting parties. Lights, fire pits, pergolas, plants, and other elements can be added. Make certain that these are also incorporated in your strategy.
Safety and accessibility: Make sure your deck or patio is safe for you and your family, including youngsters and pets. A licensed designer will ensure that guardrails do not block doors or windows and meet all code standards while building a deck. To prevent falls and accidents from higher decks, sturdy guardrails are required. If your deck has stairs, adding lights to the steps may assist prevent injuries.